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vacation rental property on beach

Best how to create an LLC for Airbnb rentals

You bought a property and want to use it as a vacation/short-term Airbnb rental.  Time to get started with the process. I will show you why this article is called "Best How to Create an LLC for Airbnb Rentals". You need to transfer any and all investment...
logos irs airbnb vrbo

Do Airbnb and VRBO report income to the IRS?

Thinking of renting your property through one of the online sites including Airbnb and VRBO?  Did you know that they report all income they pay you to the IRS?  There is simply no way to run your income under the radar unless you rent it yourself without...
vacation rental cleaning business

Best free guide to your Vacation rental cleaning business

Want to start a business without a degree and lots of capital?  Consider starting a vacation rental cleaning business.  Start with just you and a very small investment in cleaning materials and equipment.  This is a perfect side hustle for a...
Defer income tax on the sale of investment property

Defer income tax on the sale of investment property

Are Selling your investment property or real estate asset now and want to avoid/defer paying income taxes on all that profit? Thanks to the tax code, there is a legal way to push that issue down the road. Select another property to buy and have the profits from your...

I paid my contractor over $600 what now: form 1099?

I paid my contractor over $600 what now: form 1099?

Did you pay independent contractors more than $600 in a tax year? You better get that social security number or federal tax ID number. No ID number, no tax deduction. Don't get sideways with the IRS, they can be brutal. The last thing you need is an audit that may...

13 ways to finance rental property in a recession

13 ways to finance rental property in a recession

The stock market is trashed, and interest rates on bonds and mutual funds are still very low, where do you put your money? Real estate is a great way to hedge inflation and ride out the recession. How do you acquire your rental property in a recession? It's time to...

How should you compare long vs short-term rentals now

How should you compare long vs short-term rentals now

It's time to consider investing in rental property. The stock market has taken a major hit and yet, housing prices are somewhat stable. Rents have been going up and they continue to increase. This is good news for long-term rental property. Short-term rentals are...

How to save my vacation property from recession now

How to save my vacation property from recession now

Your vacation home may need some help. The great recession we have been hearing about is here. The stock market became a bear market today. Your real estate investment was a good decision at the time but economic conditions have changed the business model. Time to...

Investing in Residential Rental Real Property

This educational course will help you become avoid mistakes and teach you how to be a professional investor taking advantage of decades of experience and the latest technology. Visit our school by clicking below.

How to invest in Vacation Rental Property

Learn how to become an expert investing in vacation short-term rental property.  This course will help you acquire, set up and manage your property.  Knowledge is the most important element in successful investing.  Check out our school below.


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Gulfport, MS 30501

