About Us
Decades of experience at your fingertips
Tired of thin content and bots trying to fill space and gain Google rankings? You want real information about investing property that has come from decades of experience.
The old saying “been there done that” applies here. There is nothing like actually going through the entire education course offered here knowing that the process was done multiple times by the author. Tried and true, real experience just waiting for you to seek and receive.

Our Approach
- Do it first. This means if the topic is financing property, the author has financed a property, actually many properties using many different methods and programs. Watch, listen and learn.
- Mistakes and errors happen. Why experience the common ones if you can be forewarned. Your course will help you avoid the minefields of investing.
- Information is presented with stories of real life situations. The format is easy to follow and you can return as often as necessary
- The course is designed to help you acquire investment property using our years of actual doing it. Our blog is filled with great stories and information about topics that directly affect investors.

Meet Your Instructor

William Anderson
William Anderson, your instructor and founder of KEYLADDER started his business career after leaving the U.S. Air Force. He worked as a retail manager for several years learning some valuable skills about how to work directly with customers. They call this customer facing today. Mr. Anderson began taking college courses while in the Air Force and continued on a part time basis for the next ten years. Raising a family and working a full time job while working toward a degree kept him busy, he attended no fewer than five colleges due to relocation during the period.
Leaving his employment at the retail corporation, he started his first business repairing and selling automotive electrical equipment. The automotive course took in high school prepared him for this business. His success with this business caused him to accept a position with Quaker State Oil Refining Corporation where he worked through various management positions. His time working for the Vice President, Sales and Marketing gave him perspective on corporate finance and international business skills.
An opportunity presented itself while at Quaker State to create a consulting business that helped large multi-store businesses deal with new environmental issues such as used oil. Mr, Anderson started his consulting firm and it soon grew with the addition of owner-employees to assist in managing the multi-state firm. This successful consulting business spun off another consulting business that worked exclusively with government agencies on consumer environmental issues.
Within a short time, Mr. Anderson’s business grew to consult for 64 cities, counties and state governments. Partners were added to the business to expand capabilities. Another opportunity developed as a result of this consulting business and that was the collection of household hazardous waste directly from homes. Once again seeing the opportunities ahead, Mr, Anderson with a total investment of $10,000 in cash created Curbside Inc. and turned his interest in the other consulting companies to his partners.
Curbside Inc. was a truly unique business, nothing like it existed in the United States. Because Curbside was the only company with the skills to collect hazardous waste from homes the business expanded fast. A Fortune 500 company purchased an interest in the business and helped expand operations to many states from California to New York. Millions of pounds of hazardous waste were collected and most recycled. Curbside started a latex paint recycling facility in Denver and the resulting product was used as foundation coating across the country.
Years later after acquiring the interest that the Fortune 500 company sold back to Mr, Anderson, he negotiated a sale of the entire company to Waste Management. He stayed on to manage the business for Waste Management while it grew even faster servicing millions of homes nationwide. The business remains one of Waste Management’s premier services offered to Cities and Counties as an option with the collection of trash.
To say that Mr. Anderson became an expert at business management, finance, government affairs and more is an understatement. You may ask where did his experience with real estate come from? Recall that he multi-tasked while working, going to college and raising a family. He mult-tasked while manage his other businesses. Buying and selling real estate has always been his passion. During his entire business career (often with his brothers help), he made investments in several states and in Spain.
Dozens of properties were purchased of every type. Condos, houses, multi-family, commercial properties and the commercial developments. Years of working with commercial leases and commercial real estate added to his portfolio. After buying and selling many millions of dollars in real estate, he never became a real estate agent, until.
Mr. Anderson left Waste Management and his company now known as WM Curbside after insuring that the company was in excellent hands. Employees were well cared for and the business was growing and profitable. It was time for some big changes.. Mr. Anderson set up a five year plan to extricate himself from his Waste Management position and move to the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The plan worked well. He found house in Ocean Springs, purchased it several years before leaving Waste Management. On the appointed day, he and his wife left their California house and arrived in Mississippi.
Part of the five year plan to was to achieve some life long goals. The key one was to become a real estate broker and own his own brokerage. He obtained a real estate license shortly after arriving in Mississippi and not long after he was awarded a brokers license. During this time he and his partners created Logan-Anderson Gulf Coastal Realtors. He purchased a building as their office, his first purchase as a real estate agent.
Within two years after arriving on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Mr. Anderson had purchased a number of residential rental properties and several more with partners he encouraged to invest. Yet another new business was formed, Gulf Coastal Realtors for the purpose of renting residential property for owners. This worked very well and it was not long before GCR had to create a new operation called Christies Gulf Beach Rentals. This was to manage all of the vacation rental propeties that Mr, Anderson had acquired and those of other clients. Once again, Mr. Anderson invited others to join the new company as partners and managers.
Keyladder was formed when Mr. Anderson was working on his five year plan. He and his Son created this company to help people with investment real estate. Not just the sales aspect but the idea that proper evaluation must be done to insure acceptable outcomes. Mr. Anderson created a tool to evaluate properties and a system that used the tool to achieve good results. His first Keyladder client was an active duty Navy person who wanted to start investing. The entire process went better than expected. That client sold his house one year after buying it and made a 35% return on his investment.
The success with Keyladder clients and the time required to do all of the work necessary was more than Mr. Anderson had to invest considering his other businesses. He and his son decided to create courses to help educate potential investors. The idea is that that investors could be taught how to do the work on their own and do it when they wanted.
Mr. Anderson continues to manage several blogs and podcasts. As he says “opportunities only occur when you are busy with everything else”.

Our Philosophy
Offer clear and concise information that can be used in the real world. No sugar coating, it is what it is. Investing is about building wealth and that is the primary consideration.

Our Focus
On current events as they may affect investors. In addition to our course which will be updated periodically, the blog articles will address such things as inflation, housing markets and more.

of real estate of rental properties owned by individuals

35% of households live in rental properties, 1/2 are under age 30

Great opportunities in residential rental property in greater demand now than ever before. 2022 occupancy rate is at 97%

2100 18th Street
Gulfport, MS 39501