Learn how to become an expert on investment property and help your clients determine if a property will be profitable. Many agents who have had little education or exposure to investment property need help to assist buyers. Investment property is a great area and one in which some agents excel.
Imagine that you have the skills necessary to guide clients into profitable investments. One day, you may meet an investor client who is skilled and wants to work with an equally skilled investor agent. That client may buy multiple properties over the years contributing significantly to an agent’s income. Just one such client can make a career.

You may think that learning to become an agent with investment skills is not worth your time because you like selling houses to people who will live in them. You can make a career of working strictly with primary residence buyers and sellers. But, there will be a time when a seller wants to retain the property and will ask your help to rent it. This is putting a foot into the investment world.
Vacation rentals have become popular and some people are buying a real vacation home but they want to rent it while they are not in the area. You may be asked to determine how profitable that would be. Yes, they are going to be living there but the short-term aspects will require some skills.
Knowledge is the key. KEYLADDER offers real estate investment courses that can bring a real estate agent up to date on the latest in this specialty area with one or two of our courses. Consider the selling prices for a fourplex compared to a single-family home. Your commission can be much greater by throwing investment property into the mix. Your investment in one of the courses will be repaid many times with the first sale.
Using the information learned in our education courses and the use of our tools, we will help you become a better real estate agent specializing in investment property. Close sales faster and have more satisfied clients who will come back for more.
Browse this website for more information about KEYLADDER and what we offer. Read some blog articles such as the one about “How to save my vacation property from recession now”.
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Real Estate Brokers
Brokers, consider offering the course to your agents. We will include two live sessions for Q&A as part of the package with discounts for multiple courses ordered. Brokers, please use the form below to provide us with information so that we can assist you and your team.